
A mostrar mensagens de junho, 2020

The post-covid_19 world and the role of the United Nations (UN): a manifesto.

The post-covid_19 world: what if the United Nations (UN) reinvented “normal”.   Decades have now elapsed since the world has been living beyond its limits. In fact, the Meadows report – the limits to growth – warned us about our model of economic development. An economic development that is unlimited, based on growth and expansion, which contrasts with the limited resources that the earth holds. Our normal, social way of life is a reverberation of this model of economic growth. Consumption emerged as a by-product of economic growth. It became our doxa . An unlimited economic growth that is escorted with a newspeak on its marketing strategy that gears our pathos . We are quasi-compelled to consume every product that results from the economic growth. The United Nations (UN), as the global purview in different subjects, including economic, social and environmental ones, via its specialized agencies and organs must lead the reinvention of the world. The reinvention of normal. Thi...

Qual patriotismo moçambicano no século 21?

QUAL PATRIOTISMO MOÇAMBICANO NO SÉCULO 21?   Este texto propõe uma reflexão sobre a pertinência do patriotismo e sua manifestação no presente. Se ele está inserido no século 21, 2020, ele é corolário de acontecimentos do século 20, 1975. Na verdade, este texto é uma tentativa de actualizar a heroicidade de há 45 anos. A heroicidade que caracterizou a luta armada de libertação nacional (1962-1975). Actualizar essa heroicidade ao contexto actual, passe a tautologia. É assim que questões como “quem são os heróis de hoje”, “porquê nos libertamos” ou “que luta precisamos fazer actualmente?” guiam esta exposição. Advirta-se que não se pode esgotar um assunto tão rico e passional como a luta armada de libertação nacional em apenas duas ou três páginas. Aliás, esse assunto merece uma pesquisa e uma reflexão muito mais prolongada que a exercida no contexto deste texto. Por isso, este texto vai se concentrar em dois ou três argumentos relacionados as questões supramencionadas. O fim é ...


RACISM? YES! ETHNOCENTRISM? YES! WHAT’S NEXT?   Beforehand, let us mind the following statement: be careful not to become a racist yourself, when fighting racism; be careful not to become an ethnocentric yourself, when fighting ethnocentrism . Firstly, the Merriam Webster dictionary [1] defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” And it can be further considered as “a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles.” Thus, the person who believes and/or acts on these principles is a racist. Secondly, ethnocentrism is defined by the same dictionary as “the attitude that one’s own group, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others.” Likewise, the person who believes and/or acts on these principles is an ethnocentric. Both those concepts when tried to apply to reality cannot stand by t...